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This is what I did in 2011...

20. February 2023

What the German men's national team achieved in 2011, the men and women want to repeat in 2023. To win the European Championship title in front of their home crowd in their own stadium in Mönchengladbach. Create ecstasy in the sold-out Sparkassenpark and lift the European Championship trophy into the sky. Some of the current national players were able to experience the spectacle of 2011 live and can still remember exactly what they did on that 28 August 2011.

Even back then, only hockey was on her mind: Nike Lorenz


The captain of the German women's national team already lived for hockey 12 years ago. At the 2011 European Championship in Mönchengladbach, she experienced the hockey stars of that time up close. Nike Lorenz accompanied the European Championship as a ball child and always ensured a fast game: "I was on site during the week with my team from the WTHC as a ball child, but unfortunately not on the final day itself," reports the captain. 

Goosebumps on crutches: Christopher Rühr

Fotocredits: WorldSportPics/Frank Uijlenbroek

Today's top striker of the German national team, Christopher Rühr, was at the stadium in Mönchengladbach on 28 August 2011. He watched wide-eyed as his idols from back then shot the German national team to the European Championship title. "I was on crutches after tearing a syndesmosis ligament, but of course I was still in the stadium and was able to experience the incredible atmosphere live! I still get goose bumps when I think about it!" reports CR17.

The party afterwards: Wellen and Grambusch


A European Championship title must of course be celebrated. Mats Grambusch was 18 years old when he won the European Championship in 2011, Niklas Wellen 16. The two top performers of the German national team both remember the thrilling match, which they both watched in the stadium. But the party afterwards was also mentioned in their stories: "I was in the stadium in 2011 and celebrated the victory with the boys afterwards," reports Mats Grambusch. Niklas Wellen agrees and remembers: "I was in the stadium and also at the party afterwards!"